I'm reinvigorating my writing career after some time off. I have lots of print samples of writing from newspapers and magazines and have struggled to get them to look clean in a pdf. For example: some are in a wide format magazine and the text shares the page with ads. When I scan them you see the page crease shadow. Any ideas?
I'm reinvigorating my writing career after some time off. I have lots of print samples of writing from newspapers and magazines and have struggled to get them to look clean in a pdf. For example: some are in a wide format magazine and the text shares the page with ads. When I scan them you see the page crease shadow. Any ideas?
Yep! I'd recommend re-typing in the samples or hiring a graphic designer to help you. Here's what my portfolio looks like for reference! https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/45nd8tq3ffbwu1uodei1a/Book_Ghostwriter_Amy_Suto_Portfolio.pdf?rlkey=y5wo0ju7g6ce09zp3xwhzkghg&dl=0