I like the term “radical responsibility.” I discovered years ago that accepting agency was the only way to create the life I wanted and needed for myself and my kids. There’s a lot of failure involved and no one to blame, which is frustrating - but it’s empowering when you succeed. It’s also a good example for others.

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I like how you mentioned your frustration, Kerry. It's not easy to take radical responsibility, especially if the frustration lasts longer than you think. It helps when the tide starts to turn though, and your life becomes the reflection of what you've always wanted. It becomes worth it in the end.

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Wow, I had no idea that that was the attitude you had going into facing your autoimmune condition, Amy. That is so brave of you, and so inspiring. This is a really interesting medical story, especially when many people think their only option is pills, needles, and chemicals. You'll have to tell us more about what you found out about your condition.

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